Post by sanitoeter on May 10, 2008 18:54:55 GMT -5
Dear Admins/Dear Programmers^^ some friends and me sometimes really want a save/load system for heroes in game, but we know that this would be imba, so we thought about a own rpg-mode, which host has to select at start of the game, we tried to make the trigger (hell no, we arrent hacking xD) base frame, but we arent very good in Jass (and english, sry if there are some faults)
Post by FinalLegacy on May 11, 2008 19:05:58 GMT -5
So let me get this straight; you want to make an RPG, based on HaE2? As in leaving the buildings and empires out of the game, leaving the hero's level and stats (and if it comes to it: skills) when saving/loading the game? Cause if you want to make such a game, it will be totally different from HaE itself, leaving almost 65% of the game unplayable... We thought of making a load/save option in the game but its only possible if you want one unit loaded/saved. When saving a building and someone else loads it on the same time as you do, there's a possiblity you built it on the same spot, making things impossible. Anyway, if this ends up in asking for an unprotected or different from unpublished version, just ask and we'll see what we can do And just to let you know; you can also send me a private message in German (or Dutch) if you prefer, forum itself stays English though.